Friday, April 3, 2015

2015 Mogogosiek, Kenya

 I was blessed to be one of the day speakers during an outdoor crusade in Mogogosiek, Kenya. This small village of only 1500 people was the gathering place of 90,000 people over the course of five days. You could sense the hunger and the anticipation of those attending.
   During these few days God did extraordinary things among His people ending with nearly 40,000 decisions made to follow Christ.

Of the many healings and testimonies given it was most profound what the Lord did in and among the children of this region. On a Saturday morning as we arrived at 10am to minister to pastors and leaders we found the seats full of children. They waited patiently in the shade as we ministered and instructed the pastors and leaders of churches. Suddenly the Holy Spirit fell and the entire area became electrified. There were those being healed, those crying out in repentance and joy in seeking the Lord. Then like on the day of Pentecost “when they heard this sound, a crowd came” (Acts 2:6) These children were determined that they would not miss what God was doing.  What a joy it was to see over 1000 of them pray to receive Christ then ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit and watch as God answered the heartfelt cry of these children.


In connection with the crusade a water well was dug in the neighboring village of Chenwongo. The well was located in the yard of an orphanage. The children that live in this facility were spending two hours each day, just collecting water. The overseer of the facility commented that “Nothing like this has ever been seen in this area. It is like God himself has come to visit us!” The impact of this well will continue for years to come. Imagine the diseases that this village will NOT contract because they have clean water. Imagine the educational and spiritual benefits of these children as they now have two hours a day to study, to pray to read the word of God! Only eternity can tell the real impact your gift has made.

          God is most certainly moving the nation of Kenya! 

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