Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Narok Kenya June 2017

The town of Narok was ready for the Gospel! The night we arrived we drove by the crusade site just to take a look. Of course this opened up to a full service and blinds eyes were opened!
Each night the crowds grew. Over the course of the crusade over 103,000 people attended. Over 31,000 people made a decision to accept Jesus as Lord. The field on which we preached was only 2 blocks from a large Mosque. I can say without a doubt that many Muslim people gave their lives to Christ. By the Last night of the crusade miracles were happening so fast it was hard for the local pastors to keep up with the testimonies. But, it was not just the crusade site that miracles were happening. The Hotel Season had a Church service every day. I prayed for six different people that were healed of various issues. One young man a Chef at the Hotel was a deaf-mute. After prayer he was able to hear and say simple words!

The young man pictured beside me in the striped shirt came to a service at The Tabernacle of Praise. I had preached and the Holy Spirit was touching people and healing. This young man , named Julius, came in and wanted to give his life to Christ. his testimony was he was a Hired killer sent from Nairobi to kill someone in Narok! The power of arrested him on the street, drew him into, the church and he knew he needed to surrender to Jesus! He turned his weapons over to the Pastor and in exchange he received forgiveness, peace and a new Bible!
Praise God he is so good!

When John the baptist questioned if jesus was the Christ; Jesus gave this response after healing many. "Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor."

If you would like to help us proclaim the good news, to see people born again through the power of God. Please consider supporting For This Cause International
Contributions can be made on our website or mailed to
 For This Cause International Po Box 43 Eure, NC 27935

Thank you for you faithful support to proclaim the Good News that Jesus is Lord!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Haiti & Dominican Republic March 2017

 I was honored to be able to invest into the lives and ministry of Haitian Pastors for a few days at Grace International Church in Carrefour, Haiti. around 200 leaders over the course of a few days were filled, fed, and fired -up for ministry. Also a joy to hang with some future pastors. The boys gathered around after God healed a young boy that had been crippled. The crowd increased to about 2500 on Wednesday night. 

I was able to visit three churches on Sunday morning. The church under the leadership of Pastor Emmanuel was filled to capacity and God moved in a wonderful way, healing and setting free those that were bound. 

 Once in the Dominican Republic we ministered at The Resurrection Christian Center in Barahona; under the leadership of Pastor Fernando Fleming. God moved in a marvelous way. A number of Salvations and notable miracles took place. One lady who drove an hour and a half because she heard of the meeting was completely healed of pain in her back, spine and legs. Another, a 40 year old woman, blind from birth in her left eye; received sight for the first time! God is SO GOOD!