Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kenyenya, Kenya Oct 2016

Our recent crusade in Kenyenya Kenya was wonderful. Once again the Lord saved, healed and delivered people! In total 35,000 salvations were recorded; the greatest miracle of all; the new birth, as people came to Jesus. We were honored part of this demonstration of the love of God to the people of Kenya. 

The evening sessions swelled as crowds arrived on the field in search of hope and answers. The Lord provided the hope they sought and the answers they needed. There were several twisted and deformed hands and ankles that were straightened and given strength as the word went out.  One young lady around 23 years old was a deaf mute and never made a sound sense birth, received healing and began to call the name of Jesus!
The day sessions were filled as we ministered to hundreds of pastors and also provided them with two years worth of bible studies, and bibles. But not only pastors came many others as well, including a couple thousand children came to the day sessions to receive the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit!

 During this time a well was provided for a group of people that were walking several miles to obtain drinking water. The availability of fresh clean drinking water just outside their door is life changing in itself.
The Orphanage in Nairobi has moved forward. I was able to visit with the first seven orphans that are now living in the facility. Several are siblings from the region of Kenyenya where we held the crusade. Seeing how happy and well adjusted they are it is hard to imagine they have only been there a few weeks. Children taken out of a life of poverty where after their fathers passing, their mother died of starvation while attempting to provide for her children. These kids now have a Hope and a Future